Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Recipe for Bubble Fun

My sister sent me a message on Facebook asking how to make homemade bubble liquid because the stuff she bought wasn't working very well.  I told her my method and then got to thinking, it's been a long time since last summers bubble fun.

This is how I  make my bubble stuff.
You need a good container that you can sit the wands into, I like the take-out bowls with lids from Chinese food.
1c. water
1 tbsp. of glycerin
4 tbsp. of Dawn dish soap.
Mix it all into the bowl and put the lid on until you are going to use it.

Using another bowl for the wands makes a great grab and go activity.

Of course we didn't wait, it was straight out to the yard.

L tried to grab his first bubble but it was too fast.

It just floated up into the wonderful day.
J trying to get her first one on the go.  I think L popped that one.
All three kidlets hard at work .. This is very serious business.
This was from a wand with multiple holes, very cool.
Tiny bubbles everywhere. They're really hard to see unless the sun shines on them.

This one made them all squeal, very exciting.
Down to just the two kidlets,

M  decided it was time to make mud pies something.

These two stayed at it a little longer.
at least another half hour of fun happening here.
J's  staying right until the end.  Very determined.
They decided that M shouldn't make all those pies herself.  But what should we  do with the bowl of bubble liquid.
Dumping  it out to use the bowl is the only thing that makes sense.  Maybe she should have tipped it the other way though.  Oh well .  She'll know the next time and it's a good day to get a little wet. :)
This recipe seems to work as well as any that I've used.  I know its better with the glycerin than without, I've made it both ways. I think bubble day can be classed as successful,  and fun was had by all.
Click on pics to get a larger view. 
Have a wonderful day everyone.  Bye for now.

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