Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Re-Introduction

Some of you may have noticed that the header at the top of my blog has changed recently.  Now that I have been writing this for a few months I've realized that My Everyday Life is exactly that.  Just an everyday life. Mine happens to include my kidlets, so I can't leave them out, but I have a lot of other things that interest me and have changed the course I've been on. The main theme of this blog is how I 'm  making those changes and the effects they have on me as well as my family and friends.

I've decided to make changes to my home environment so this is actually my journey to achieve that goal.  In my first post I mentioned I wanted to have a more natural, healthy and relaxed life here in the new place and that is what I'm striving for.  My first goal is to be completely chemical free in my home by the end of this year.  A big goal but luckily I am finding it not as hard as I thought it would be. 

I have had asthma all my life, and lately I've noticed more and more that when I was cleaning my home I would have to use my inhalers more often and the effects of the cleaning products was having a lingering effect on my breathing.  This made me wonder what all this stuff was doing to the tiny little lungs of my kidlets.

To change all my household cleaning products to home made DIY products was one of the areas I was worried about. Could I keep my home clean and healthy?  I'm actually  finding this is not going to be a problem.  I have been incorporating some new methods lately and my house is clean, it smells fresh, and I love, love, love that I am not leaving behind a layer of possibly cancer causing agents that are being ingested and inhaled by my family or my lovely little kidlets.  And because some of the essential oils used in my new products have anti-bacterial properties I don't have to worry about germs either. I just wish I had decided to do this about thirty years ago. My next area to make changes will be in the laundry room.

Another area where  I would like to get rid of chemicals is in the bathroom.   Every morning we get up and go through a ritual where we brush our teeth, shower, do our hair and whatever else, and we do it all with chemicals.  Preservatives are a nasty little item in everything we use, and what the heck are all those ingredients we don't recognize and  can't  pronounce.  I know they are there to prolong the shelf life of our products and make things taste better or whatever; but are they good for us.  My personal opinion is NO. 
There are a ton of ways to exchange what we use for  healthier versions that do the same thing.   

So follow along while I share my recipes for a healthier personal environment and lifestyle and please share any ideas  for alternate products you have or would like to see me cover.

Have a great day everyone.

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