Of course last night was the coldest night here so far and we left all the doors closed... Oh well. Things will thaw out.
A few weeks ago the system that supplies our neighbourhood with water suffered a broken pipe and it took the better part of a day for it to get fixed. Then we had a boil water advisory for a few days. I don't know yet if today it's a town water problem or we have a frozen pipe. Whatever it is, it's nothing more than an inconvenience.
Think about the thousands of homes in the Toronto area, that have had no power for the last couple of weeks because of the huge ice storms. I wonder how they all coped. I really feel bad for them. I think it's way easier to get by when you live in the country than it is when you live in the city.
The first thing I really miss when the water is off is not being able to flush. What if you had to go without any power for a few weeks. If you live in an apartment building or a home without an alternate heat source, pouring water down your drain will only freeze.
This article has a good instructions on how to put together a homemade compost toilet that could be used in an emergency. It can be used in any type of home. All you need is a five gallon bucket, some heavy duty garbage bags and some kitty litter or sawdust. Line the bucket with the garbage bag and after each use cover waste with sawdust or litter.
Everything can be stored in the bucket until it's needed, and with any luck you will never need to put it together.
You could take it one step further and make the milk crate cover so you can have a luxury unit like this one. Click on the picture to read the article.
I hope this idea helps a few people be a little better prepared for what ever happens next.
Bye for now.. and have a good day.
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