I do like oatmeal. It's a staple here. I make it most of the winter, but its just too hot right now to eat a hot cereal for breakfast.
I have been making this baked oatmeal recipe for snacks and love the taste of it but it crumbles to easily. It just falls apart and you end up eating the bits from a bowl. Originally I was looking for a replacement for a store bought cereal bar ( I was still looking for the convenience) and this wasn't it. In spite of that everyone still loves it. Every once in a while I will even put some milk on it and have it for a bedtime snack, but it's a little soft and mushy that way.
That got me thinking, why couldn't I deliberately make it as a morning cereal with a bit more crunch. HMMMM. It wasn't too hard to make some changes that would make this our go to breakfast. The first time my husband tried it his comment was "I can't see why we ever have to buy cereal from the store again". :)
Here's the recipe for the original baked oatmeal and the alterations to make it Baked Oatmeal Cereal.
Original Recipe
1/2 c. vegetable oil
2 eggs
l cup sugar
mix into a large bowl and add
1 c. milk
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. baking powder
3 cups of oatmeal
mix all ingredients well and pour into a buttered 8x10 cake pan and bake at 350 deg. for 45 minutes
My changes.
-since the purpose of the original recipe was to use the instant oatmeal packets her family didn't use, and I was using just whole oats, I assumed there was some flavour needed.
So I added
1 tsp. nutmeg
1-2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 cup of brown sugar, we always put brown sugar on our oatmeal
and 2 apples, peeled and diced
- this made the recipe much tastier and all my kidlets in daycare just loved it, even if it was a bit messy.
The next step was to make it crunchier for cereal. All I do is bake the oatmeal recipe in a cake pan and take it out of the oven at the 45 minute mark. Don't turn the oven off yet.
When I remove the final mixture from the oven I have a little fun with it. I add all or some of the following items. About 1/2 to 1 cup of each adds some interesting texture and flavour to the cereal.
dried cranberries ...or any dried fruit
chopped nuts.. any your family likes is fine
all bran buds ... good if you need more fibre
Store in a reusable cereal container with lid.
Top with your favorite fresh fruit and I'm sure your family will love it as much as mine.
Have a good day everyone and bye for now.